Le Food

Even non dieter liked it!

We had some visit this weekend. H and I had some plans for saturday evening so our niece came to baby sit our baby boy and she spent the rest of the weekend with us! Always fun!


Even on weekend my journey with Weight Watchers still goes on and I like to try new recipes that every body likes.

I always find it exciting as i’m a bit afraid people won’t like what i cook.

On the menu this saturday:

– Cannelloni’s with Chicken and mozzarella (6ppts)

– Speculoos cream desert (4ppts)

I found both recipe on Pinterest, I have changed the quantity as we were only the 3 of us.

First the cannelonni’s:

For 6 people

2 onions
1 teaspoon olive oil
1 kg of tomatoes
1 clove garlic
2 of formwork baslic
9 lasagne sheets
3 chicken breasts (250g)
1 ball of mozzarella (125 gr)
2 small eggs
18 slices bacon
30g grated parmesan
Salt and pepper
Preheat oven to 200 ° C.
Fry the chopped onions in a tablespoon of olive oil and add the diced tomatoes, the garlic and the basil leaves. Let it stew gently at least 20 minutes then remove the basil.

Cook the noodles for 5 minutes (several times) in a large pot of salted water, then place them on a clean cloth and cut them in half (to get 2 squares) after being allowed to cool a bit.

In a pan with baking sheetbrown the chicken,  sprinkle with salt and pepper, oregano and sauté about 15 minutes. Chop the chicken  and mixwith mozzarella. Add the eggs. Mix again.

Place a slice of bacon on each square of lasagna, cover it with a small amount of stuffing and roll each square into a cannelloni. Pour half of the tomato sauce in a dish, arrange the cannelloni and pour the remaining sauce over it. Sprinkle with grated parmesan and oregano and put in the oven for 25 minutes.


And this is what you get!



And then desert!

For 4 people:

– 60 g of white or dark chocolate or milk
– 30 cl of skim milk
– 2 teaspoons cornstarch
– 6 spéculoos (42 gr)
– 1 sachet of vanilla sugar
Cut the chocolate into 1-square, put them in a bowl with 10 ounces of milk, heat  for 1 minute in a microwave oven (800 W)
In a bowl, dissolve the cornstarch with the remaining cold milk, add the hot chocolate milk and mix.
Grind finely spiced, incorporate and vanilla sugar. Pour into a small saucepan with a thick bottom, let thicken over low heat 10 minutes, stirring constantly with a spatula.
Spoon the chocolate cream into 4 mugs glass with a capacity of 10 cl.

Place them for (at least) 1 hour in the fridge.







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