Geen categorie,  Le Food

First birthday celebration within my Weight Watchers new lifestyle

Hi there!

It was my birthday some day at the begining of June and as every year I wanted to celebrate with my loved ones 🙂

Since I have joined Weight Watchers earlier this year I wanted to find recipes which fits in my new life style. I have to say I was (and still am) quite proud of the results 🙂




This is my favourite cheese cake recipe I’ve arrange to the Weight Watchers saus







those are mozzarela-tomatoe kebobs (only 2 pro points each!)


Some meatballs appetizers with mango and sweet chili saus (also 2 pro points each)



Every one enjoyed the appetizers (and of course I had given way much more things to eat but others stuf were not Weight Watchers proof).

Let me know if you want the recipes 😉



Miss Frenchy

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