La Fashion

The start of a new (fashion) adventure

Hi there!

Welcome to my page on Fashion ( I gave it een Frenchy twist 😉 ) I’ve always been into fashion but for a very strange reason you wouldn’t always say so when you see me. I follow some blogs online such as Putting me together and Outfitposts. I take a look there almost every day!

Audrey from Putting me together has made some posts on how to build a wardrobe from scratch and how to build a remixable wardrobe. I want to use her series on how to build a wardrobe from scratch to, well obviously, build my own fashionable wardrobe from scratch 😉 Hopefully Audrey will be ok with me taking advantage of het knwoledge 😉


Let’s start with some pictures of what i wear on a daily basis.



Hopefuly these won’t scare you :S

Please join me in this new adventure and feel free to coment.

Love, Miss Frenchy

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