
Miss Frenchy travels: family vacation in Germany

Early this year we booked our family vacation, this time we would head to Germany (which is not a surprise) but we chose a new region: the Schwalbische Alps. We have been to the Eiffel for the last few years, even though we love it very much we wanted to visit another region. Our idea was to go to the Black Forrest but I made a tiny little mistake by looking for an accommodation (Oups). We ended up in the Schwalbische Alps. It’s in the state of Bad-Wurtemberg, our house was in Hayingen, a small village between Stuttgart and Ulm.
source: Google maps



We have booked a house for 10 days at the Das Lauterdorfle park in Hayingen. It’s a small holiday park with houses in Scandinavian style. We stayed in a 4 persons house, it’s was very cosy and very complete. We even had a dishwasher machine! It’s a car free park, which means you leave your car at the parking lot and then use a cart to bring your luggage to the house. All houses have a lot of privacy and are all very green. On the park site you will find the reception, a restaurant and a big outside playground. Everything you need for a simple quiet family holiday!
The weather was unfortunately not what you could expect for the month of May. We had rain every day, luckily not all day long. But it didn’t stop us to go and discover this region. We went castle visiting, city hopping and we also visited two caves. We also went to Legoland!
Despite the lack of sun it was a very nice holiday and I am lucky to have spent this days with the greatest men in the world!
We are now back for 2 weeks already and we can’t wait to go away all together!
What are your holiday plans? Where you like to go with your family? We are always looking for good tips where to go!
Miss Frenchy

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