
Let me introduce you to Nya, our new family member

Once upon a time, we were a family of 5: the hub, me, our son, Boris the red cat, Oliver the British short hair and Copper, the beagle. Copper was my hub best paw-friend since 2002. Unfortunately we lost her last June. She left a huge hole but it was the best for her.



RIP Copper <3


We did say, before she passed away, that we were done with a dog. But we have been surprised to miss the dog vibe in our home. After a few weeks we felt ready to welcome a new member of the family. We did some research and we fell in love with the Shiba Inu breed <3

We have been very blessed to find out that a puppies were born not to far away. We went on a visit and after learning each other we felt it was a match.

On August 31st we welcomed Nya (yes as Nya from Ninjago 😉 ) in our home and our hearts!

She is not only cute, she is a really vivid pup, curious about everything! For me it’s the first time I have a pup and I will start puppy class tomorrow with her! I can’t wait!

If you want to know her better you can follow her on her own Instragram.


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