Spon,  Travel

Thank you Summer, you have been good!

Hi lovelies!
It October 14th as I am typing this post and we have had a few extra summer days this week. It was 25 degrees Celsius yesterday and today we hit the 23 C also!! It’s kind of unreal to be sitting in the garden and looking at the trees getting red and yellow at the same time! And I want to keep this feeling for ever! Therefore I have teamed up with Fotofabriek.nl , I want to make a nice album with all the pictures so that I can look back on it when winter hits 😉
Our summer began also quite early for us, the hubby is working in his own diner so we can’t go away on vacation in the midst of the summer. We went this year early June and we went two weeks in Germany again, this time in the Black Forrest. ( Really this time, not as last year. You can read what happened here)
We had a blast and the weather was heaven already!
Then, when the summer holiday came and our boy was free from school we decided to take day trips as we could enjoy a real summer this year, with a lot of sun and high temperatures (which was very uncommon over here)
We went to the Dolphinarium, Apenheul, Widlands, the Dino exhibition and the Burgers Zoo. As you can see we love zoo’s! hahaha!
From all the pictures (which are not all here obviously) I printed one on canvas through the site of Fotofabriek.nl. The Hubs doesn’t like to be on picture but those are my favorites. And because I want to respect his shyness and usually take picture of him from behind making kind of shadow’s pictures.
One of my fav’s from this summer is this one.

Thanks Fotofabriek.nl for helping me keeping my most beautiful memories vivid and part of our home!


Miss Frenchy

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