Geen categorie,  Le Food

Best stuffed porc recipe ever! Review






Hi Frenchies,
Today a Weight Watchers proof recipe review. I often go Pinterest to look for recipe. And ,oh big surprise, I found this recipe there! It’s from Skinny Taste actually, you can find a whole lot of Weight Watchers proof recipes there.
As a big cheese eater, I was attracted to this recipe because it mentionned brie!! the pear/prosciutto/brie combo seemed to be a combo from heaven.
The recipe mentions chicken breast but I didn’t have some in my fridge so I used porc, which I think is a good alternative.
I served it with Brussels sprouts and basmatit rice. The hubby also enjoyed this dish which makes it easy to eat healthy.
Before it goes in the oven.
Tada! after 25 minutes. Enjoy!

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