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Bye by 2014, it was a good year!

And over a few hours….WELCOME 2015!

At the end of the year I always feel the urge to make the balance and make plans aka the new year’s resolution. This year is not an exception.

Here a few highlight of my year:

  • I lost 8kg

  • we are debt-free

  • we bought a new family car

  • H and I got engaged

And some pictures to complete it!

Our baby boy became 1!
We went on a weekend trip to Brugge just by ourself
Beautiful Turkey
We are engaged!!!
Beautiful Marmaris
Me! with 8 kg less! Whoop Whoop!




















And what about 2015 I hear you whisper…. Well, I have, of course a few resolution.

Ready?? Here it comes:

  • – a healthy weight by my birthday in June

  • – to run the 4-mijl of Groningen

  • – to plan more family activities

  • – to get an more succesful blog

I hope you all had a fine 2014 but I know that ’s not realistic, life is made of sad, difficult, frustrating moments too. We all have those kind of moments in our lives. But there are also many moments making a year worth living. I wish you the possibility to see those beautiful moments and to enjoy & cherish them.

For the new year to come, I wish you all what your heart hopes for.

My secret hope is to see you here next year 😉



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