Weight loss Journey

Failure is not final?

failure is not final

I found this quote on line as i was looking for a nice picture/quote about Failure. I feel like I’m in this place, Failure. I’m tired, quite undecided about what I want and what I can and my weight watchers fight is losing… I’m kind of down. I want to give up on my goal to be healthy, slim and active. Let me just be fat and on the couch 🙁
On the other hand I’m not quite ready to totally give up. I think sometimes life happens, you get tired and you lose track and motivation. Maybe I should just be more kind to myself, more comprehensive and give myself some time to get some energy and get my motivation back.
While looking over the net for quote on failure I just came very positive quote accross. This one “Failure is not Final” resonates in me. It seems to be that Failure has nothing to do with something negative because from failure you can learn and get wiser to succeed.
So yes Failure is not final, today I will accept that life is not that fun and easy but tomorrow I will go to my Weight Watchers meeting 😉
Can you relate to this feeling? I’d like to know 🙂



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