Le Food

Where I find my Weight Watcher inspiration

When I started my Weight Watcher journey I went online to get some inspiration on what to cook.
As I am very visual I turned to Pinterest. From there I came accross a lot of ladies blogging about their journey with weight loss.
Here are my favorites ladies:
  • brookenotonadiet.com : Brooke is an extraodinay woman who has accomplish such a weight loss and therefore very inspiring. She lets me see that when you want something you can accomplish the greatest things.
  • floordeboor.wordpress.com : Floor is from Holland (like me) and she has also a very strong mindset. She is a star in mealprep (her blog is in English)
  • fattywantsabiscuit.wordpress.com : Laura is a young British woman who shows that weight loss is possible at any age.
  • livandcook.fr : Olivia is a young French girl who has succeed thanks to Weight Watchers to find some balance in her eating. Her successes gave her the courage to start a blog with healthy recipes. (It’s in French)
Because I’m such a visual person I follow them on Instagram also. They seems also to be able to make super nice pictures!
If you are also looking for inspiration and motivation go and check these blogs, it makes the journey way easier and fun to accomplish.
And of course you can also check my blog and Instagram 😉
See you soon Frenchies!

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