Weight loss Journey

Weigh in Tuesday- week 29 2015

HI Frenchies!
A week has passed by and it’s Weigh in Tuesday.
So first, the stats for this week:

weigh in week 29

Yes, you read it wel, I’ve lost over my goal of 1 kg/week!! But to say the truth it doesn’t feel really good as it should. I haven’t done as much exercises as I planned, I ate more than I planned but I also learned a few things about me.
1. I am, actually, not a runner. I did enjoy it much more before I got a child and since then I have found myself looking for excuses not to go. Something tells me I should look for another fysical activity.
2. Last wednesday I had terrible stomach ache, all day. I felt horrible all day but due to this discomfort I wanted to eat sweet food like chocolate and cake. Odd right? Or maybe not so. I realize I had difficulty to accept I wasn’t at easy. And grabbing to food is my way to cope with it. So I decide to do some ready on emotional eating.
Anyway, I have lost my goal so I decide to look at the bright side and do even better this week!
Up to the next weightloss!!!


Love, Miss Frenchy

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