
Pin it, did it: banana bread

Banana bread

Hi Frenchies!
It’s been a long time since I posted a “Pin it, did it” post 😉
I was very active this morning, after a half an hour work-out I decided to make some banana bread! Yummie!
My favoriete recipe is one I’ve found on Pinterest (of course, whereelse?) It’s also the first recipe I’ve made with the US metrics system ( you know, cup instead of gram of ml) and I found it very easy to make.
The recipe is not mine, I use hers. I have made some changes or I should beter say I add a few ingredients. My personal touch is some cinnamon and ginger. I like how it combines with the banana and the blueberries.
Every one in my home loves this bread, it nevers stay longer on the counter 😉
For the Weight Watchers addict, one loaf counts 12 slides and one slide is 4 points.
Let me know if you have tried this recipe and what’s your secret ingredient 😉
Miss Frenchy

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