Weight loss Journey

Weigh in Tuesday- Week 33 2015

When  reality hits back….
reality hits back
This picture has been taken last weekend. My hart broke little when i saw it at the end of the day… It was a great day though, I enjoyed being  on the eiland with my family and relatives. It was sunny and warm and we had a very lovely day. Until I saw this.  I felt (and still do) huge. And also shame because it’s a pity what I do to myself actually. I could be much slimmer and prettier but also a better role model for my boy. I know I should be awake now and doing all I can to make changes but right now, i would do anything for some chocolate…
I’m not saying I’m giving up because I’m not. Not at all. We have the chance to still have some vacation planned for us so I will go first on holidays wiht my family and when we will be back, relaxed and full new energy, we (yes, hubby will also have to make some changes) will go for it.
I may have to review my goals as to lose 1kg a week. I will post my new goals and strategy after our vacay.
Here are my stats for the past week.

 Weigh in Tuesday week 34

I hope to see you all very soon again!
Miss Frenchy
PS: I’m working on a website also. Keep you posted!

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