Weight loss Journey

Weigh in Tuesday- week 28-2015

Hi Frenchies!
Last week I have decided to track my weightloss journey weekly. I have to say last week was a very strange week, it was hot, hotter hottest! We reached temperatures of ver 30 degrees Celsius! It’s very high for our little frog country as we call it.
My stats for this week:
 week 28 2015
As you can see I drop 400gr. It might not be much but due to the hot weather I didn’t exercise and ate more salty stuff. nevertheless, I’m happy!!
Weightloss wise: I came to the conclusion that if I loose 1kg a week, I will reach my goal before the end of the year!! Therefore I made a plan:
  • running with my workgroup on wednesday and alone on monday
  • jazz dancing on thursday
  • yoga at work once in two week
  • follow my Weight Watchers plan
One kilo a week sound very reasonalbe and do-able! Now i have to go and do it!

do it now


To our successes!
Miss Frenchy

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