Weight loss Journey

Weigh in Tuesday- week 47


Hi Frenchies,

A week has passed, a bit of a sad week. As many of you know the world has become a little dark the past week. Although I’m not leaving in France anymore it still touches me a lot, not only for all the sadness for the french people but also for the world in general.

I didn’t have a very good feeling about my weigh in today. My past week was not a perfect one. I ate more than I planned and I wasn’t as active as I planned either.  I feel I have become better in the choices I made. I could have made even better choices but as for the results I am happy.

Here the stats for week 47:

stats week 47

My goal for the next 6 weeks is to lose 4 kg. I can do it right? Even with Sinterklaas (Dutch holiday), Christmas and New Year’s eve?

How are you doing Frenchies? Let me know <3

Till next week!



Miss Frenchy

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