
My blog goals 2016

my blog goals 2016

Hi Frenchies,

Here my other goals for 2016 ! (I wrote a post on my weightloss goals here) I have been blogging sinds 2011 and as the year went by it became better but it’s not the quality of professional bloggers, let’s face it.

My goals for this blog for 2016:
– learn about SEO
– learn about monetizing
– post frequently
– learn how to make nice pictures
– going to a blogger conference
– meet a few bloggers I follow, such has Serena from The beautylab and Jenny form Jennie from the blog
– write about new topic ( 31 posts to know me better, 101 things in 1001 days, maybe some DIY and recipes)

I hope you will be seeing the difference soon and I’m open for suggestions and remarks. No one is too old to learn!

Miss Frenchy

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