Weight loss Journey

Weigh-in Tuesday: week 1-2016

weigh in Tuesday week 12016

Hi Frenchies,

The first week of 2016 has past already! It was not quiet as planned as the nothern side of my country (where I live) was surprised by ice! I have spent 3 days inside….Unfortunately our little boy was also ill which wasn’t easy to handle I realize once more that food is (and hopefully i’ll be able to change that this year) my way to keep calm. Our boy has totally recoverd and he is his happy self again <3

The past week was also a week of a first. Last friday I went to my first Crossfit class! It was hard and heavy but I did it till the end 🙂 It’s a class given at my work so it’s easier for me. Thanks boss! 🙂

So here are the stats for the past week:

week 01 2016

Unfortunately there is a gain, a small one but still. I know why, as I wrote up, I had some difficulties to keep calm so I turned to food. I didn’t binge but I ate more than I was supposed to and couldn’t walk much as we had to stay in for 3 days. I am now prepared for a normal week, where I can move more and eat as planned.

How was your first week of the year? I’m curious to hear about you!

Miss Frenchy

PS: this is my ideal bikini I want to wear coming summer ( the upside is the right size for my chest, the bottom is M)….
my ideal bikini

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