Weight loss Journey

Weigh in Tuesday- week 3 2016

Weigh in Tuesday- week 3 2016

HI Frenchies,

My apologies for my abscence last week, life happened. I also was a bit sick.
I’m still looking how to deal with lifestyle changes and the changes in the Weight Watchers program. I also have a bit of trouble finding and keeping my motivation. Past week I did another cross fit session and it suits me. Now I have to keep it going.

As a result of my lower commitment I only lost 300 gr. Even with this small loss I don’t feel comfortable in  my own skin. I hope and pray to (re)find my spirit and getting what I aim for. I see a lot of inspirations at my Instragram feed and Facebook so I have good hope.

Neverteless here by the stats for this week

week 03 2016

A better week is ahead!

Miss Frenchy

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