30 posts blog challenge

30 posts blogchallenge: #1 My blog’s name

Hi Frenchies,

There it is, my first post in this serie!

background miss frenchy

So I will start with my blog’s name. My site is called “the world of Miss Frenchy” because missfrenchy.com was already taken 🙁 I wanted “miss frenchy” in it so I made it works.
Why must “miss frenchy” so desperatlly in it you would ask? Well, I am actually French, you might be surprised 😛
I was born and raised in southwest of France and in 2001 I emigrated to the Netherlands. So the Frenchy refers to my root. Furthermore I am a woman and not married so “Miss” was on its place. I chose to add “the world of” because I wanted to keep it so open as possible. I like to write about many topics and I wanted to journaling what’s keep me busy in my everyday life.

I started blogging in 2012, in that period I got burned out and I thought blogging would help me expressing myself and fill my time. My first blog was on Blogger and later on I datre to step over to wordpress.org. And 4 years I’m still here!

I want to make more effort to better journaling my life as time goes fast and that way there is still a trace of it.

Thanks for reading and let me if you want to know more.

Miss Frenchy



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