
Miss Frenchy’s diary week 44 2016

Miss Frenchy’s diary week 44 2016

Today I wanted to start something new. I’m huge fan of dairies, my favourites are from Serena from the Beautylab, Jennie from Jenny from the blog, Marloes from Glamourmoes and Shirley from Styleguide ( they are all dutch, sorry). What I like is that it gives a peek in the personal life of other young women and I kind of finding it very inpsiring.
The other reason I want to start doing this myself is to create some archief of what my life looks like, to be able to look back later and relive the good moments.
So, here it comes! I hope you’ll enjoy too!


Twice a year we have a flee market in our village, one in the spring and the other in the fall. You can guess last week was the Fall one 😉 I had a great time with my mother-in-law. Our son got a balloon from a clown, I just love how he looks to his granny.


Some decoation inspiration



Well, nothing special, it was just another day at the office 😉



After kindergarten N was allowed to sit in the passenger seat in the car!! Always in style!


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Thursday was my day-off, I went for a run ( I have enrolled for my first running contest, my goal is to finish it). In the afternoon I was inspired to decorate some spots of our home and we ate some fried chicken and fries !


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Finally, it was happening!! we have been talking for months about placing a lower ceiling with spots in it for light. And it was finally going to happen. The workers came very early and this is what happened in one day only, as I found it when I came home from work!!


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And tadaaaa! Saturday was for finishing touches!! I’m so happy with the results, it’s just so homey and cosy now.


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Sundays are made for relax and baking, right? I made some yoghurt cake with extra lemon aroma, poppy seeds and a very sweet icing. It was almost as good as the one at Starbucks 😉
This was it for this week, i’ll try not to forget to make pictures for the coming week 😀

Miss Frenchy

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