
Finally a new message: Japanese Cheesecake

Hi all!

It’s been a long time (again)!
Out of nothing i felt the urge to cook something and to post it! 🙂

A few months ago i discoverd Pinterest and i’m totally obssessed with it! you can find anything you need and not need hahahaha
But there is a zillion of pictures of thing you can make and i had pinned a lot of it already,

It was finally time i tried one, right?

I choose to start with the Japanese Cheesecake. I like cheesecake in all kind so i wanted to tried this one.

It’s a recipe of Green Cilantro, she made for easter last time. I like her blog, she make a lot of different things and her pictures of it are very nice.

You can find her recipe here : recipe Japanese cheesecake

This is what i started with



And this is the result:


I have to say that i’m quiet surprise how it turned out. After i saw the list of ingredients and how few Sugar there is i didn’t expected it to taste that good!
And i also learned here a different way to bake a cake!!

I’m curious who of you will also give it a try!!

See you soon!

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