Le Food

First King’s day- King’s day Brownie cupcake

Today was King’s day for the first time sinds the queen Beatrix abdicated last year.
Her son is now the King of the Netherlands and therefore his birthday became a national holiday. Officially his birthday is tomorrow but it’s Sunday. Can you still follow?? 🙂
(source: http://www.koningsdag27april.info/koning-willem-alexander/inhuldiging-willem-alexander/)
H. had to work today so i was alone at home with our 9 months-old son.
I decided to celebrate King’s day on my own way.
Since March i’m embracing the Weight Watchers lifestyle (with succes ;)).
Even on special occasion i can integrate it in my life.
Please find underneath my King’s day brownie cupcake!

King’s day Brownie cupcake (6pp; 12 servings)

70 gram pecan
80 gram dark chocolate
75 gram butter, half full
2 big eggs
200 gram  sugar
125 gram flour
1/2 small spoon baking powder
1 small spoon vanilla sugar
100 gr cream cheese light
some food colorings


Preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius. Coarsely chop the nuts, but keep some for garnish. Melt the butter and the broken pieces of chocolate over low heat. Remove the pan from the heat and stir in the beaten eggs and sugar. Then add the sifted flour, baking powder, hafl of the vanilla sugar and chopped nuts. Stir until a glade batter. Spoon the batter into a greased baking cupcake dish. Let the cupcakes bake for about 30 minutes and let cool for about 20 minutes afterwards. Beat the cream cheese and add the rest of the vanilla sugar. Add food colorings. Then smear each cupcake with a spoon of the frosting.

And you’ll get this:

Enjoy!! Fijne Koningsdag!!

(original recipe from book “365 dagmenu’s uitgereken” from Weight Watchers benelux)

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