Weight loss Journey

Weigh-in Tuesday Starting point 2016

Happy New Year!

Happy new year dear Frenchies!!
The new year has started almost a week ago. I have enjoyed this time with my family and loved ones. Did you too??
Everyone is busy reflecting on the past year and setting goals for the coming one. So am I as well. I needed a little bit of time to put into words how 2015 have been and what I want and expect 2016 to be.
Then let’s start with my recap op 2015
my 2015Just a few pictures which represents 2015. Beside my fiancé and my son, the highlight of this year to me is my christening in September. It’s weird to explain how it felt and what it meant to me is short words. Since then I feel complete and I am able to live more truly. I have the chance to be able to share my faith with my fiancee and family. The other highlight is our first engagement anniversary!!
As you can see I didn’t put any pictures of low moments, but it doesn’t mean there were not 🙁 For me, my biggest deception is I couldn’t lose the weight I wanted. That’s something that still hurts me as I feel sometimes that is something defining me which I don’t want to accept. I don’t want to be bigger than necessary.
2015 has been a good year overall, most of it was about finding the balance between what I want and what I can realize as a new mom.
So now let’s talk about 2016!
Obviously, my weightloss journey is one of my priority. 
One of my other goals is to take this blog to another level. You can read how I am going to do that in a another post very soon 😉
Let’s go back to the subject of this post: my starting point for 2016!!
stats start week 2016I know, i know …I have gained back the little I was able to lose since september…. *shame on me * I could give up, right? But I’m not!
Tough I’m deceived, I’ve done this myself so I want to get back on track, still with Weight Watchers and their new concept I have to learn.
I’m sure I’m not the only one to deal with this. And I know a lot of person who stumbled in the past did lose the weight they aimed to and keep it off. I want to be one of this person and I’ll do what I can to achieve this coming year!
Miss Frenchy

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