Weight loss Journey

Recipe : home made Granola from A weight of Life


Hi Frenchies,

Here is a recipe for home made granola. I used the recipe from A weight of life and I added some ingredients. The lady behind this Facebook page is one of the most inpsirational woman I know. She has lost 53 kg in ONE year!! She has started an facebook page to post her recipes and they all look delicious. Even if you are not dieting it’s simply food envy!

So here it comes!

  • Ingredients
    • 50 gram oats
    • 30 gram quinoa seeds
    • 25 gram puffed quinoa
    • 30 gram pumpkin seeds
  • 25 gram shredded coconut <— I added this one 🙂
    • 1 ts caneel
    • 1 tbs Coco oil
    • 3 tbs honey

How to:

Preheat the oven to 170 degrees.
Mix all ingredients in a bowl with one another.
Melt the cocount oil in a pan and add the honey, mix well.
Mix then the honey-coconut oil combo through the dry ingredients. Make sure all is well coated with the mixture.
Divide the granola on a baking sheet, bake for about 15 minutes in the oven.
Keep in mind it can burn quickly!
Let in cool and put it in a jar 🙂

For the Weight Watchers followers, it’s 27 smartpoints for the whole jar, count 2-3 smartpoints per portion.

I already used it for breakfast with yoghurt and banana.

If you ever try it, please let me know!

Miss Frenchy

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