
Miss Frenchy’s diary; week 1 of 2017

The first week of January has already came to an end. Let’s see what has happened 😉
Monday January 2sd

We had an appointment for our boy in Leeuwarden and he did just great. So we thought he has deserv ed to go to McDonald. His favorite spot: the playing corner! And it’s Dad’s fav too.

Who said cats can’t spoon??
Tuesday January 3rd

Tuesday was my first day at the office after my Christmas break.

Look what i’ve found at the Hema! A super duper pretty mug! I’m a geek for cute mugs and notebooks!

One of my new year goals is to learn more. When I bough my camera I got a coupon for a online fotography class. I have been procrastinating to start it last year but I want to complete it in 2017! You should see the results here on the blog soon 😉
Wednesday 4th







My H. sent me that cute picture of our boy this morning, it was around 10 o’clock, the world wide coffe time! It made my day. After work i went to Xenos to buy that mirror for our entryway. And then, what do you do when you hang a new mirror? Right, you take an outfit picture.
Thursday 5th

I went to work (again 😉 ) but only for the morning as the H. and I had decided to get away together for the afternoon. We went shoppin! I am so lucky my hubby loves to shop and we try to go a whole day once in a while.

We went to Zwolle! This main place with the church is impressive and cosy at the same time.

We didn’t buy anything actually, we couldn’t find what we were looking for but…. we had a great coffee break! We went to The Barista Cafe. Look at these beauties! I had a Matcha latte and the h. got a double cappuccino with some picies of cakes.It was not only pretty to see but it tasted heavenly as well. If you ever go to Zwolle, this is a great place to sit.
Friday 6th

it was cold when I stepped in the car this morning!!

I have be experimenting in the kichen, it’s a kind of a fake-away chicken tikka massala. It was Weight Watchers friendly (only 9sp without the nan bread) and it tasted great. Let me know if you want to know how I made it.


Saturday 7th
We woke up to this white landscape. Finally some snow! It was for Nathan the first time he experiencet it deliberately. It was so fun to play in the snow. We took our dog with us and she also enjoyed on her own specific way. Does your dog do this too?? after our playtime outside I made this sunflower bread, it was delicious and it was eaten before i could realize it :O
We didn’t do anything worth mentioning on Sunday.
How was your first week of the year? Let me know, I love to read what you are up to.

Miss Frenchy

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